Investing with Australian Secure Capital Fund is easy. Simply follow the roadmap below and you’ll be on your way to earning much better returns on your money in no time! And remember, if you need assistance along the way, we’ll always be there to lend a hand.
Apply now or get in touch with us to discuss your requirements. You can phone us on 1300 269 419 or email us at [email protected]. If your loan is personal for or for personal use, please review our Target Market Determination (TMD) to consider the suitability of the loan.
Click here to apply online
Download and complete the New Investor Application Form, and either scan and email it to [email protected], or return it via post to PO Box 1475, Milton BC QLD 4064
Complete the Borrower Application Form and provide us with supporting documents. This will allow us to fully assess your application.
If required, we will instruct a registered valuer to provide us with a written valuation of the property you are offering as security for the loan.
If your application is approved and the valuation of your security property meets our requirements, we will settle the new loan and advance the funds. This can happen in as little as 72 hours.